We have converted our newsletters to Web documents; and they are available for on-line viewing here. This is the place to find the news about our past meetings, plans, links to other Informix related material and catch-up on back issues of our newsletter. The following is the index of articles from our newsletters that are currently available.
- HOW TO: PDQ by J. Warren Donovan
- Tuning Informix DSS Queries by Jack Parker
- History of Informix and interview with co-founder Roger Sippl by Ron Flannery
- Interview with Jim Foy: Informix is back in the database business! by Ron Flannery
- The Washington Area Informix User Group Mailing List by Lester Knutsen
- Forum 2000 by Nick Nobbe
- Forum 2000 Presentations On Our Web Site by Lester Knutsen
- Forum 2000 Pictures by Nancy Balsbaugh
- Interview with Jean-Yves Dexmier by Ron Flannery
- Informix Certification Study Group by Bob Carts
- Informix Race Car
- Informix White Papers and Tech Briefs by Walt Hultgren
- The onstat Quick Reference Guide by Troy L. Hewitt
Volume 9, No. 4 – October 1999
- Forum 2000 announcement
- WAIUG Meeting, September 15, 1999 by Peter Wages
- WAIUG Elections, by Lester Knutsen
- Informix Solutions Portal 99 – My Perspective by James Edmiston
- Using CLI to Connect to Informix Databases Through ODBC by James Edmiston
- WAIUG Meeting Wednesday June 16,1999 by Peter Wages
- Mid-Atlantic PeopleSoft / Informix (PeopleMix) Special Interest Group (SIG) By Nadia Skiscim
- Jselect – A Java processor for SQL SELECT statements by Sujit Pal
- Checking Informix Ontape Backups with Archecker by Lester Knutsen
- Troubleshooting and Maintaining Your Servers by Ron Flannery
- Informix World Wide User Conference
- WAIUG Training Day 1999, by Peter Wages and Nick Nobbe
- Exploring the OnLine Command Line Utilities (Part 3) by Lester Knutsen
Volume 9, No. 1 – January 1999
- Performance Tuning PeopleSoft’s nVision with Informix by Kevin Fennimore
- Cool and Helpful New Web Sites for Informix Users
Volume 8, No. 4 – October 1998
- Informix Data Warehouse Seminar
- The Unofficial Informix FAQ by June Tong
- New Features of Informix Dynamic Server 7.3 by Kevin Fennimore
- Using CLI to Connect to Informix Databases through ODBC by James Edmiston
- Application Development Strategies by Ron Flannery
- Web/CGI Scripts to Monitor your Informix Server by Lester Knutsen
- Informix-Related Internet Resources by Walt Hultgren
- Informix Expands Tools Suite with INFORMIX DYNAMIC 4GL – Press Releases
- Informix World Wide User Conference
- Forum 98, by Nick Nobbe
- Forum 98 Presentations on our Web Site
- Washington Area Informix User Group Email List
- Exploring the OnLine Command Line Utilities – ONCHECK, by Lester Knutsen
- Informix Dynamic Server Personal Edition for Windows 95 & NT
Volume 8, No. 1 – January 1998
- The Washington Area Informix User Group Email List
- Forum 98 – A One Day Technical Conference for Informix Users
- PeopleSoft / Informix Special Interest Group
- Exploring the OnLine Command Line Utilities – ONSTAT, by Lester Knutsen
- Background Processing and Shell Scripting for Informix, by Ron M. Flannery
Volume 7, No. 4 – October 1997
- Washington Informix Users Group – Next Meeting – December 3, 1997
- Washington Informix / PeopleSoft SIG – Next Meeting – November 18
- Michigan Informix Users Group – Next Meeting
- “Ask the Experts” – Transcript from the 1997 Informix Worldwide User Conference IIUG Technical Track
- Book Discounts Available to Informix User Group Members
- ARCUNLOAD a utility to extract a table from a level-0 archive (tbtape/ontape)
- Membership and Sponsorship Information
- The Informix FAQ, by Kerry Sainsbury
- The XTREE command, by Kevin Fennimore
- Concurrency and Locking, by Ron Flannery
- Using SQL to generate SQL (DBA tricks and tips) by Lester Knutsen
- Informix-Related Internet Resources, by Walt Hultgren
- FREE GUI DBA Administration Tool – Informix Product Announcement
- WAIUG Newsletter Index and Web archive
- WAIUG Training Day, by Nick Nobbe
- WAIUG Survey Results, by Nick Nobbe
- International Informix User Group Announcements
- Informix World Wide User Conference
- Understanding and Using INFORMIX Stored Procedures, by Rafal Czerniawski
- INFORMIX-4GL Programming Test, by Stuart Litel
- A Web/CGI Interface to the ONSTAT Utility, by Lester Knutsen
Volume 7, No. 1 – January 1997
- Informix Installation and OnLine Configuration Procedures (Part III) – by Mike Tinius
- Informix OnLine Outperforms Microsoft on NT Operating System – Press Release
Volume 6, No. 4 – October 1996
- Exploring the SYSMASTER Database (Part II) – by Lester Knutsen
- Informix Installation and OnLine Configuration Procedures (Part II) – by Mike Tinius
- Exploring the SYSMASTER Database (Part 1) – by Lester Knutsen
- Informix Event Alarms, by Kevin Fennimore and Ivy Ho
- Testing an Informix DBA, by Madhu Reddy
- Informix Installation and OnLine Configuration Procedures, by Mike Tinius
- WAIUG Web Pages and On-Line Newsletters, by Lester Knutsen
- WAIUG History
- Informix 1996 Worldwide User Conference
- Washington Area Informix User Group Forum 96 by John Ashmead
- You Know My Methods, Dr. Watson by John Ashmead
- Testing an Informix Developer by Madhu Reddy
- Error Handling Functions in Informix Programs by Lester Knutsen
Volume 6, No. 1 – January 1996
- Informix Invites You To View The Future of Technology
- Announcing the International Informix Users Group, by Walt Hultgren
- The Quality of Your SQL, by Gavin Nour
- WAIUG Web Pages and On-Line Newsletters, by Lester Knutsen
Volume 5, No. 4 – October 1995
- The Informix Worldwide User Conference & Exhibition, by Malcolm Weallans
- Roles – A New Security Feature in 7.10.UD1, by Lester Knutsen
- Using the Internet to Access Informix-Based Resources, by Carlton Doe
- Data Warehouse – by Jack Parker
- Schema Optimization – by Kevin Fennimore
- Informix Archive Sites – by Walt Hultgren
- Writing Reusable Informix-4GL Code – by Kerry Sainsbury
- Marc Andreessen, Co-founder of Netscape, to Keynote Informix Worldwide User Conference
- Informix Online 5.X TB Utilities Quick Reference Guide by Lester Knutsen
Volume 5, No. 1 – January 1994
- Forum 94 – by Peter Wages
- Informix Announces Site on World Wide Web – Press Release
- Informix Query Optimization – by Kevin Fennimore
Volume 4, No. 4 – October 1994
- An Intoduction to Triggers – by Cathy Kipp
- SQL Optimization – the Set Explain Command – by Kevin Fennimore
- Informix 4GL Programming Tips – by Lester Knutsen
- Avoiding Databases Crashes – by Joe Lumbley
- The Prepare Statement – by Kevin Fennimore
- An Introduction to Database Security – by Lester Knutsen
- Informix and Microsoft Client/Server Package for Windows NT
- Informix Online Archive to Disk Script – by Clem Akins
Volume 4, No. 1 – January 1994
- INFORMIX-SE Database Administration Tips By Madhu Reddy
- Reading Informix SE audit files by Lester Knutsen
- Anonymous FTP Archive for Informix Files by Walt Hultgren
- Informix Public Domain Tools by Dave Snyder
Volume 3, No. 6 – December 1993
- Indexing Strategies, by Kevin Fennimore
- An Introduction to Using SQL in Shell Scripts, by Lester Knutsen
- Informix Online Database Administration Tips, by Madhu Reddy
Volume 3, No. 5 – September 1993
- Informix E-Mail Discussion List Going Strong – by Walt Hultgren
- Informix 4GL Application Error Logging – by Lester Knutsen
- Searching Through Informix 4GL Display Arrays – by Sameer Gupta
- Financial Functions in Informix 4GL – by David Heller
- Getting Column Names Within VI – by Lester Knutsen
- ANSI Terminal emulation and Informix 4GL by Lester Knutsen
- Timing out Informix Processes – by Sameer Gupta
- Getting Column Names Within vi – by Lester Knutsen
Volume 3, No. 1 – January 1993
- Infinite Array Display in Informix 4GL by Sameer Gupta
Washington Area Informix Users Group.
Lester Knutsen, President/Editor
Washington Area Informix Users Group
4216 Evergreen Lane, Suite 136, Annandale, VA 22003
Phone: 703-256-0267
waiug@iiug.org lester@advancedatatools.com